Jasper and Alice: The Beginning

Thu, 27/08/2009 - 18:34 | by peacelovetwilight

One of them has no past and yet can see their future. The other is haunted by his violent past and terrified that he will ruin their future. Somehow, these two fit together in an impossible, perfect way. Jasper and Alice are just two pieces of the same soul. Broken Soul Mended, written by CarlieD, is the story of Jasper and Alice's relationship, from the time they meet in a Philadelphia diner. Jasper is immediately drawn to the golden-eyed girl who already knows him. As they embark on their journey to find the mysterious Cullen's of Alice's visions, his love for her only grows deeper, but his lack of strength to abstain from human blood threatens to ruin everything. This piece of fanfiction, written in four chapters, gives readers an alluring depiction of Alice and Jasper's early relationship. Jasper's struggle between his deep love for Alice and his thoughts that he doesn't deserve her gives us an insightful look into this quite character. Alice is portrayed as innocent and almost child-like, but fierce in her love of broken-down Jasper. CarlieD gives us characters whose bond is immediate, unbreakable, and ultimately healing. The Whitlock's relationship is perfectly beautiful to read about. The only fault in the story is a short interlude when vampires from Jasper's past appear; the scene is a bit disconnected compared to the rest of this well-written piece. Broken Soul Mended is short, but the relationship is portrayed so well that readers will be fully satisfied with this lovely love story of two beloved characters. Rated: K+ (PG)

4 out of 5 Gold Apples

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