Join in the Hush, Hush Discussion

Sun, 25/07/2010 - 08:54 | by Eyes of Amber

You may have noticed a new little button that appeared over on the right sidebar last week. While of course, we all love Twilight, we have to remember there are other books out there. RaShell talked about some of them in her post last week. Completely by coincidence she even used the cover of Hush, Hush in her post.
T bought Hush, Hush and brought it to me, swooning over Patch and telling me that I just had to read it. I devoured it in 24 hours and started telling everyone I knew that they should read it. One of those people was the wonderful Cutie over at Super Secret Twilight Blog. (Which, I love you Cutie dear, but you must admit, it's now a pretty poorly kept super secret.) She also fell in love with Patch, and possibly a bit more in lust with him than the average reader. Her devotion and the upcoming release of Crescendo, the continuation of his story, led her to put together a whole group of bloggy Hush, Hush fans and host a book discussion.

The Prologue through chapter 3 is up now. Check it out and leave some comment love. There will be giveaways and surprises throughout the discussion. And if you haven't read it yet...why not??? Get your hands on a copy immediately and get to reading. I can vouch for Patch...tell him Amber and Cutie sent you.

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