I found this as a really personal article and I really liked it. Justin talks about Twilight, auditions, acting, etc.
As for the wild and strange world of film fandom of the Twilight Saga, Chon has had his fair share of run-ins and experiences with overzealous fanatics.
“I get a lot of fan mail. One time someone bought me a star saying, this star’s for you,” he said.
“A certificate saying this star is yours and they bought some weird stuff. It was from a mom. … There are a lot of moms who are fans. … When I was filming the first Twilight, I was finished with a scene and walking back to my trailer and this group of four ladies come over and says ‘hey come here’ and would hand me this card whispering ‘call me’ and I flip the card over and it says ‘Twilight moms.’”
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