Kellan Lutz: considered for Conan the Barbarian

Fri, 15/01/2010 - 03:07 | by

According to Nikki Finke, Kellan Lutz was one of the actors that was one of the two actors that was considered to fill in the shoes of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the remake of the Conan the Barbarian film.

Dimbort’s departure would come as Millennium gets close to a production start on its biggest bet yet. That’s Conan, the rebirth of the Robert E. Howard-created barbarian famously played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Director Marcus Nispel is on track to start production March 15 in Bulgaria — if they can find the right barbarian. Last weekend, it seemed like things came down to two buff finalists: Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen in the Twilight Saga sequels New Moonand Eclipse), and Jason Momoa (Ronon Dex in the TV series Stargate: Atlantis). Suddenly, Millennium and partner Lionsgate decided today to look at another unnamed but better established actor before deciding.


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