Kristen Stewart reflects on Bryce Dallas Howard’s work in ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’

Mon, 07/12/2009 - 04:05 | by touchedbytwilight

Portraying the firey-haired (and eyed) vampire with a knack for escape artisty was easy, according to co-star Kristen Stewart, for Bryce Dallas Howard in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
According to a recent interview Stewart did with MTV, Howard was able to pull off the Victoria-ness just right for the film.

Bryce is scary. She is really oddly sweet as well, so it’s weird to see her switch back and forth. Victoria, for Bella, is an ever-present fear — even when Victoria isn’t around, she is scared that she is coming back. Bryce is such a good actress, and it was easy to be scared of her.

You’ve no doubt seen exactly what Stewart is referring to with Howard’s work in films like Lady In The Water and The Village. She’s definitely a versatile and dynamic actress who can pull off all walks, so it’ll be interesting to see how she brings Victoria’s uber-evil to the big screen in Eclipse.

This is especially true given the intensity of the character shifts in the storyline. If it’s anything like you might imagine from the book, there’ll be dramatic points at times and suspenseful and frightening portions in others.
As Kristen Stewart mentioned, there are a few of Howard’s films in particular which really exemplify her ability to bring such a character to life. Only a few months until everyone gets to see for themselves!

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