Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson Begin Publicity Tour Together

Fri, 06/11/2009 - 21:11 | by


Talk about quite the frenzy yesterday when Kristen Stewart was spotted with a “mystery man.” We weren’t even gonna make a big deal about it because, well, it’s not.

Can’t a guy and a girl be friends anymore? Especially if the friend is a relative?

K.Stew was leaving L’Ermitage Hotel in the same kinda car her brother drives, so let’s just close the nasty anti-Robsten rumor mill on that, ‘K?

Now, Robert Pattinson and Kristen start their publicity somewhat together in Los Angeles today…

…and Team Awful will be on hand for all the real-life mooning and staring that goes on between R and K.

We have no reason to believe that Rob and Kristen supposedly requested to do their PR separately. They couldn’t give a squat about what we all think of their relaysh, so they certainly won’t be going out of there way to hide their off-screen chemistry. Just won’t shed light on it either, ya dig?

So send any of your questions on over and we’ll do our best to pass ‘em off to our fave New Mooners.

And for the record, if these dubious reports are true, Nicole Kidman is either the smartest frozen forehead in the world or the dumbest, for being the only babe ’round to possibly turn down R.Pattz? What, she’s going to do an indie project with Rachelle Lefevre instead or something?


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