Me + Robert Pattinson. In a Room. It's ON.

Tue, 14/08/2012 - 04:17 | by twitarded

Unlike many devoted Twitards out there, I have never actually had the good fortune to find myself in the presence of The Precious. And of course by "good fortune" I mean I have never camped out on a sidewalk for days in order  to possibly have the chance to get up-close and personal with Mr. Rumored-to-Smell-Like-Citrus-and-Tweed. I've never set-stalked him, I've never squealed at him at ComicCon, I've never gazed at him from a steel pen alongside a red carpet while waving a suggestive sign or a blow-up doll elephant.

 HFS STY was almost here?! I hope someone notified Bodyguard Dean!
All that is about to change!

I was at work a month ago-ish when I happened to pick the perfect moment to do what I do best while at work, which is distracting myself from anything work related by dicking around on Twitter. And there it was, my golden ticket to get aboard the Pattintrain: Robert Pattinson (along with David Cronenberg) would be doing a "TimesTalks" on August 15th, which is basically a moderated conversation with interesting people hosted by the New York Times. And I say "basically" because while I have been aware of the existence of said Talks, I never paid them much mind because they never allowed for the possibility of Robert Pattinson and me sharing the same physical space.

So they will be wearing tuxedos right? Because this has been my wallpaper since whenever Cannes was...Plus I hear he may have started smoking again and I want to help with his...oral fixation.

Given all that has transpired recently, I was afraid this whole thing would be cancelled. I've heard rumors that he's been cancelling some of the press he was scheduled to do to promote the U.S. release of Cosmopolis. I freaked out a little when I got an update last week, thinking it was the "We are refunding your money" and/or "Only David Cronenberg will be attending" (not that I don't respect him buuuut....). Thankfully, it only pretty much let me know two things: they are on to his audience AND he doesn't want to talk about IT. No camping out, and no questions will be taken from the audience the day of the event.

But questions CAN be submitted in advance. What should we ask (I'll be there with Jenny Jerkface, Myg, Mama Cougar, and possibly some other assorted Twitarded folk)??? I was thinking of something along the lines of "If someone in the audience happened to be wearing Pattinson Panties, would you be willing to take them back to your hotel room for closer inspection?" Or not - I don't know; there are so many possibilities! Leave your serious (and wishful thinking) suggestions - along with anything else you want to say, as always - in the comments!

UPDATE: Just learned there is a live webcast - woot! It will be like having you all there...minus the hugging...
This event is being filmed and Webcast live on Video of the event will be available on demand, also at

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