Money UK Analyses Twilight

Sun, 12/06/2011 - 11:13 | by Malaysian Twilighter

If you know me well, you would know that I love Twilight as much as I love Harry Potter. As the age old 'battle of popularity' continues between these two of-different-genres-and-underlining-themed movies, Money UK took the liberty to analyse both sides in many aspects. I personally find the analysis interesting. What's your say?
Harry Potter and the Twilight Saga have reached bewildering popularity over the last decade. Both franchises boast bestselling books, international cult followings and a blockbuster series of movies, earning their creators and associates outrageous amounts of money. But which is more successful, both as a financial powerhouse and cultural phenomenon? Here the team at puts both franchises through seven gruelling rounds to decide an ultimate victor... let the battle commence!

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