
'Breaking Dawn Pt 1' DVD Extra: Edward and Bella Wedding Video Extras

Fri, 10/02/2012 - 07:24 | by Malaysian Twilighter

No news yet about the local DVD release, so here's something to enjoy. Found as an extra on the US version.

Anna Kendrick Defends ‘Twilight’ Fans

Wed, 11/08/2010 - 02:23 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Isn't she a darling. Anna Kendrick spoke out about Twilight fans, defending (us) against haters.

'Eclipse' Sound Clips

Sun, 18/07/2010 - 02:44 | by Malaysian Twilighter

This is TOO AWESOME! Want Riley to scream at whoever is messaging you at wrong hours? Love Bella and Edward's voice?

Dr. Cullen's Love Shack@Facebook has ingeniously extracted sound clips from Eclipse, and you can download them to your phone!!

Click here to check it out.

New Feature: Chatroom

Sat, 13/02/2010 - 19:28 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Hey Twilighters!!

I'm adding a new feature to the site, a chatroom!

This is where all of us could chat about anything and everything, but mainly about Twilight, of course...

Before you chat away,

1. Remember to sign up for Chatroll, in order for you to post something at the chatroom.

2. Keep the language usage clean :)

3. Have fun!!

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