Muse: No longer part of the Eclipse soundtrack

Wed, 03/03/2010 - 05:56 | by

After being dubbed by fans as “The Twilight Band” and being thanked by author Stephenie Meyer as inspiring her in every book, Muse’s Dominic Howard has mentioned that they are not going to come back for the Eclipse Soundtrack.

“Nah, it’s gone,” Howard tells us.

“Oh, it’s nothing to do with Stephenie, she’s totally cool,” says Howard, beginning to explain how Muse have potentially broken their Twilight hat-trick. “It’s the people in the movie business, completely outside of the writers and the creative types, the non-creative types I suppose are the people who are quite hard to deal with in Hollywood, so it didn’t work out.”

Howard also said that they already have written the song and it would have fit perfectly the love story of Edward and Bella.

“It was a love song, so it’s a personal song, and it wasn’t really to do with the films. But it was sounding good,” he says.

Though it may not be in the Eclipse Soundtrack, they would still release it.

“Yeah, yeah, we sure will [release it]. I mean, it was great. We worked on it in Australia, we were ready to record, we were going to do some recording with Butch Vig, so we might still do it,” he says. “I’m sure the song will definitely come to life for real at some point, but I think for this film it’s not going to happen.”


Mod note: What do you think Twilighters? Anyone up for a campaign?

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