My interview with fan fiction author IAdorePugs

Tue, 01/12/2009 - 23:16 | by peacelovetwilight

I had previously recommended/reviewed Iadorepug's fan fiction, "A Stable Romance" on The Lazy, Yet Discerning Ficster (TLYDF). (Read the rec here.)
Now you can read my interview with the lovely author!

What got you writing fan fiction in the first place? Where did you hear about it?I was introduced to Twilight fan fiction early in 2009 by EtomyB, a good friend. I had no idea it existed. Originally I started writing “A Stable Romance” as a private story for my best friend Amy. She was so impressed with it she told me I should post it on fanfiction. I passed it on to EtomyB and she told me the same thing. Finally I sent it to a non-biased fellow author. When he also said I should post it, I bit the bullet and did it.
Does your family know about your Twilight/fan fiction habit? If so, what do they think about it?My whole family knows I love Twilight, and most are aware I love Rob too. My sisters are the only family who know I read and write fan fiction. They are both in the process of reading A Stable Romance. They are very proud of me, and think my new hobby is a great way for me to use my creative mind. My older sister says our mom and grandma would be tickled pink with what I am doing.
Read more here.

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