New Moon song a possible Oscar contender!

Thu, 17/12/2009 - 11:48 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Guess what? After the awesome Grammy nomination theTwilight soundtrack received, another news popped up. A track from the New Moon soundtrack may be up for an Oscar!
The track?
'Possibility', by Lykke Li. I was expecting Summit to submit more than one song.
The Academy notes: "A maximum of two songs may be nominated from any one film. If more than two songs from a film are in contention, the two songs with the most votes will be the nominees."
This is the most important part. If a studio can only get in two nominees it's not necessarily in their best interests to submit more than that number. Therefore, it's somewhat eyebrow raising that "The Princess and the Frog," "Hannah Montana The Movie" submitted 5 each. An interesting strategy to say the least. As for other contenders, "Nine," "Crazy Heart" and "Avatar" submitted their frontrunners, but in a surprise turn only Lykke Li's "Possibility" was submitted (or qualified, it's unclear) from the best-selling "New Moon Soundtrack. No "Meet Me on the Equinox" from Death Cab for Cutie? Hmmm. Some investigating is needed regarding that one.
BTW, Possibilityis up against 62 other songs (!!!) for the Best Original Song Oscar.

HitFixviaTwilight Poison

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