
New Moon song a possible Oscar contender!

Thu, 17/12/2009 - 11:48 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Guess what? After the awesome Grammy nomination theTwilight soundtrack received, another news popped up. A track from the New Moon soundtrack may be up for an Oscar!
The track?

Kerry's New Moon No-Spoiler Review!

Sat, 21/11/2009 - 19:13 | by Eyes of Amber

I finally got to see New Moon yesterday evening, I know it was still the first day, but I was dying to get to the theater and see it, especially after hearing all the glowing reports all day. Thank you thank you to everyone for being very good about not giving away too many details. This review will be spoiler free also.

Alexandra Patsavas on the music of Twilight

Thu, 05/11/2009 - 01:51 | by

Music has always been an essential factor for Twilight, with the author Stephenie Meyer having been inspired to write the series while listening to some. Thus its no wonder that getting the right music for the films is also crucial. On hand for the job is Alexandra Patsavas, who has provided the perfect music for popular soaps in Hollywood such as the hit Gossip Girl.

Spin Magazine Q&A With 'New Moon' Soundtrack "Mastermind"

Wed, 04/11/2009 - 20:37 | by

Spin Magazine has a Q&A session with Alexandra Patsavas, music supervisor for the Twilight movie series. Click the link for the entire interview. Thanks to Julie for the information!

How you go about something like New Moon, which features original songs from so many artists who don't often appear in projects this high-profile?

New Moon soundtrack now available!

Tue, 20/10/2009 - 13:26 | by Malaysian Twilighter

The official New Moon soundtrack website says the the soundtrack will be released in Malaysia today, 20th October 2009!!
Go grab a copy today! Drop by the Forum page to discuss your opinions.

Lykke Li Talks About Her 'New Moon' Song

Mon, 12/10/2009 - 19:48 | by

MTV has an interview, including a brief video clip, with Lykke Li about her involvement with the 'New Moon' soundtrack. Click the link for the entire interview.

A Preview and a Review of the New Moon Soundtrack

Sun, 11/10/2009 - 17:45 | by Eyes of Amber

Take a look at this video, there is a short snippet of each song from the soundtrack. The full soundtrack will be available October 20, and you can pre-order it from Amazon here. I really love the indie sound that the Twilight soundtracks are embracing, it's a great fit for the story, the author, and even the cast. And it's great to hear new bands. (Or at least new to me, I am woefully ignorant when it comes to finding these groups.)

Tracklisting Revealed for Soundtrack

Mon, 21/09/2009 - 20:35 | by

MySpace has revealed the official tracklisting of the 'New Moon' soundtrack, which is going to be released October 20th. If you pre-ordered the soundtrack, you may have recieved an email containing the tracklisting.

1. Death Cab For Cutie � Meet Me On The Equinox

2. Band Of Skulls � Friends

3. Thom Yorke- Hering Damage

4. Lykke Li � Possibility

5. The Killers - A White Demon Love Song

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