New Moon Soundtrack Cover + First New Moon Song Confirmed

Thu, 27/08/2009 - 19:20 | by twicrackaddicts

Seth shares the following on Stephenie Meyer's Official site:

I just received the following announcement from Atlantic Records (the record label that produced the Twilight Soundtrack):

The first single has officially been confirmed for the New Moon Soundtrack! Death Cab for Cutie has written an exclusive song for the movie entitled 'Meet Me On the Equinox.' Below is a statement from the band about the song:

"We are very excited to be a part of this amazing series of novels set in our own backyard. It just seemed a perfect synergy that a band from the Northwest would create a song for a series of novels set in the Northwest. We wrote 'Meet Me On the Equinox' to reflect the celestial themes and motifs that run throughout the Twilight series and we wanted to capture that desperate feeling of endings and beginnings that so strongly affect the main characters. This song marks the first attempt that Death Cab for Cutie has ever made at contributing new, unreleased material for a film and we are proud to be a part of the Twilight legacy." — Nick Harmer / Death Cab for Cutie

Additionally, we have the exclusive premiere of the soundtrack album cover below! The soundtrack will be in stores on October 20th, 2009, stay tuned for more information!

You can pre-order the New Moon Soundtrack now, and we will be posting more artist information as it becomes available. And, if you need some ideas for things to purchase to qualify for free shipping (over $25), I would suggest the Breaking Dawn Special Edition and the Eclipse paperback, which both went on-sale this month.

Have a great day!


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