New Moon soundtrack released!

Sat, 17/10/2009 - 18:36 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Yay! The New Moonofficial movie soundtrack has been released in the US, and so far, it has gotten thumbs up from critics, with EWgave it an 'A' even before it's released.
Here's what L.A. Times have to say about it:
The soundtrack to "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" is released off-cycle today, rather than the typical music industry release day of Tuesday. It's out a month ahead of the film, which hits theaters nationwide on Nov. 20, and whether or not it will have the same retail impact as the music companion to the first film remains to be seen.
But this is much is certain: The "New Moon" soundtrack is definitely much more of a piece than the soundtrack to "Twilight." It's moody, music-to-get-sad-to, definitely, but music supervisor Alexandra Patsavas has put together a collection of songs that captures the drama of young love without drowning in it. Released once again on Patsavas' Chop Shop label, which is associated with Warner Music Group imprint Atlantic, "New Moon" is, on a whole, more inventive than the scattered radio-ready rock that permeated its predecessor.
The soundtrack is scheduled to be released here on the 20th October!

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