Alexandra Patsavas

Eclipse Soundtrack: Cover art and the bands within

Fri, 28/05/2010 - 01:15 | by

Here is the cover art for the Eclipse Score Soundtrack featuring the music of Howard Shore. Mr. Shore is famously known for scoring the music of the Lord of the Rings series.

Alexandra Patsavas on the music of Twilight

Thu, 05/11/2009 - 01:51 | by

Music has always been an essential factor for Twilight, with the author Stephenie Meyer having been inspired to write the series while listening to some. Thus its no wonder that getting the right music for the films is also crucial. On hand for the job is Alexandra Patsavas, who has provided the perfect music for popular soaps in Hollywood such as the hit Gossip Girl.

Spin Magazine Q&A With 'New Moon' Soundtrack "Mastermind"

Wed, 04/11/2009 - 20:37 | by

Spin Magazine has a Q&A session with Alexandra Patsavas, music supervisor for the Twilight movie series. Click the link for the entire interview. Thanks to Julie for the information!

How you go about something like New Moon, which features original songs from so many artists who don't often appear in projects this high-profile?

Billboard Music Conference

Fri, 30/10/2009 - 18:03 | by Eyes of Amber

Yesterday, a good portion of the music industry gathered in Beverly Hills, CA for the Billboard Film and TV Music Festival. The purpose of the gathering was to gain information for careers and the future of music supervision in television and film.

New Moon soundtrack released!

Sat, 17/10/2009 - 18:36 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Yay! The New Moonofficial movie soundtrack has been released in the US, and so far, it has gotten thumbs up from critics, with EWgave it an 'A' even before it's released.

'New Moon' Soundtrack

Thu, 17/09/2009 - 18:37 | by

MTV has an article discussing the 'New Moon' soundtrack. According to the article, the full track list is supposed to be announced tomorrow. However, some details have been released:

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