New Scans From UK Heat Magazine [Yup! Trashy Gossip! GASP!]

Tue, 20/10/2009 - 18:24 | by twitarded

So we know that we don't usually do gossipy stuff (unless it's REALLY noteworthy, like Robsten sucking face - possibly - at a concert or something equally irresistible...] but we DO love it when people send us stuff... This week has been a complete and utter clusterfuck anyway - so let's just DO IT! Thanks to Stan from Under My Edbrella for the scans! Don't worry we're not going to make a habit of covering the tabs! Lemme know what you all think in the comments. Oh, and we all saw the pic with the mysterious white substance all over Rob's pants a week or so ago - I think it was determined to be... CUPCAKE! Aaaaaand not a big pile of blow gone wrong... [yeah yeah I know that nobody wanted to SAY that at the time but I know you were all thinking it! Confectioners sugar, coke - whatevs...]

CupcakeGate - solved!! Pic from Socialite Life via ROBsessed

I'm going to hell anyway... Might as well break all the rules!

clicky on pics to enlarge & read!

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