New Year's "Golden Circle" Jewelry Set Giveaway: WINNER!

Fri, 08/01/2010 - 23:05 | by peacelovetwilight

The winner of this gorgeous jewelry set titled "Golden Circle" by Carpe Diem Designs is...

Michele Pineda!

She says,
"My New Year's Resolution is to remind hubby to drive slower and stop trying to keep up with Edward because his driving makes me as white as Alice... also, for my own good, I need to stop eating so many sweets and find healthier items I can sink my teeth into!"

Some other great Twilight-related New Year's Resolutions we received:

"To spend more time in the woods with my husband just like Edward and Bella do!"
-Ashley Jarosch

"To try and not be as obsessed with Edward as I am."

"To try to spread some of my Twilight and Edward and Jasper obsession over to my DH. My own Edward had been suffering from neglect lately!! Another resolution is to try to not be as bad as Bella about accepting compliments and gifts when given with love."

"I would say not drive like a Cullen this year? (at least not quite so fast) It gets dangerous when theres snow!"

"My New Year's resolution is to try not be so into Jacob Black as I am. :) I said I will try, not saying it will happen."
-Jasmine Calix

"My resolution is to try to check as many of my fave blogs each day & comment. Also to catch up on my FF's...(bigggg job there...)"
-Kim Mills

...And I would have to say that the last one is mine as well!

Thanks to everyone who entered and congrats to Michele!

Check out Carpe Diem Designs' website here and their Facebook here.

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