Noot Sear, literally a Nut?

Thu, 20/08/2009 - 22:15 | by peacelovetwilight

No, fellow Twilighters this upcoming 'New Moon' star isn't a nut in the literal sense. But according to her name means 'nut' in Danish. Anyway this 25 year old bombshell talks the making of 'New Moon.'

Who do you find to play a woman whose beauty is so profound that humans
willingly follow her to their grave? Why, a model of course. And all the better
that this preternatural beauty has been taking acting lessons for years, just
lying in wait for her big break. That model is Canadian-born hottie Noot Seear
and her big break comes courtesy of "New Moon" in which she plays the impossibly
pretty Volturi vampire Heidi. Though we have yet to see footage of Noot in
character, the 25-year-old leaked a few hints about her look to Interview, in
addition to talking about her acting aspirations and her "nutty" alias.

Read more here!

You know we here about all the cast, the set, we even get sneak peeks! But I can truly say I'm dying of curiousity to see how the movie will turn out! Anyone with me?
Article, Source, and Picture by

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