So of course I've read other YA series like The Hunger Games, Hush Hush - although I got bored with Fallen and totally stopped - but a friend of mine recommended Beautiful Creatures a few months ago...
I watched the trailer for the movie, which ticked a lot of my interests' boxes:
Boy meets girl he can't have - check
Magical mystery - check
Historical flash backs - check
Set in the deep South - yes ma'am
So I ordered the book.
It then sat on my "to read pile" for the following few months.
I was finally able to read it over Christmas and I. Am. Hooked. I can't help myself Pinteresting (that's a verb, right?) behind-the-scenes clips, costume inspirations and music links - Florence and the Machine's "Seven Devils" is on repeat) - I even bought the Illustrated Movie Guide!
I'm kind of loving being a little but pwned by something again :) but the BC fandom seems a little quiet... is anybody else out there?
- Lorabell
P.s. Not only is this film's Production Design by Richard Sherman *cough* from Breaking Dawn gorgeousness *ahem* but it stars Emma Thompson, Jeremy Irons, Viola Davis and Alden Ehrenreich who was "discovered" by Steven Spielberg himself *DING* sign me up!
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