Pattinson Music interviews Sofar Sounds

Tue, 12/10/2010 - 19:09 | by Eyes of Amber

Pattinson Music recently interviewed Rocky, Dave and Rafe, the founders of Sofar Sounds. These are the guys who made it possible for the whole world to see this clip of Rob performing at one of their gigs.

This is such an awesome movement and I hope to one day get to attend one of these shows. This is such a wonderful way to showcase these artists in an intimate and unique setting. Here are some excerpts from the interview but I encourage you to go read the rest and get on the Sofar Sounds mailing list!
Lastly, if you don’t mind, I’d like to inquire a bit about Robert Pattinson’s performance on behalf of our community. Did he volunteer to play? Can you describe his performance style, his musical style for us?
He sure did. He was in the audience and clearly enjoying the music. Halfway through the gig he asked if we would mind if he played. As there were 5 other acts pre booked to play we said ‘sure!’ but that it would have to be at the end of the night. He was nervous –Rob said it had been about a year since he had played live and hoped he remembered what to do. He was very down to earth and shy about it. It was getting late once he grabbed the guitar and walked to the ‘stage’ (the front of a private home in north london) - so we agreed he’d play one song. He has a very rich and soulful style – sweet-sad lyrics – a sound not unlike his friends Marcus Foster and Bobby Long.

We’ve been so patient waiting for him to perform and your clip gave us so much hope! Do you plan on releasing the full song he performed? And can you see him returning for another performance?
We will definitely release the full clip of his performance in the coming months. Just arranging when a good time to do so (watch this space: And as he truly enjoyed playing Songs From A Room (and played well), I’m pretty certain he’ll be back.

Is there anything else you'd like to add? Any questions I may not have covered that you'd like to answer?
Please encourage folks to let us know if they want to host a living room gig in their home – wherever they live. Especially looking for people who love live music and follow local bands (even better if they are friends with musicians – but not critical). They can get in touch by emailing me on and signing up to our mailing list at www.sofarsounds.comThanks to TwiFans for bringing this wonderful interview to our attention!

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