Pattinson Online Fansite Edition: Bel Ami or the History of a Scoundrel

Sat, 20/11/2010 - 12:45 | by thetwilightfans...

  • Robert Pattinson on set photographs
  • Bel Ami Movie photographs

Georges Duroy is no Edward Cullen, but he is as beautiful as “hero of the popular romances” This PattinsonOnline Fansite edition of Guy de Maupassant’s book contains photographs of Robert Pattinson on set of Bel Ami Movie which is set for release in 2011. Robert Pattinson star in the movie as Georges Duroy. Maupassant’s book tells the rags to riches tale of a soldier turned journalist. Duroy use sex as a mercenary weapon to ascend to his position as the Baron. Every woman he seduces serves a purpose, one which his girlfriend, a confidential and a second to climb. Politics, manipulation and opportunism best sum up this book. It is this year’s classic summer beach or poolside novel.

Pattinson Online Fansite Edition: Bel Ami or The History of a Scoundrel

Pattinson Online Fansite Edition: Bel Ami or the History of a Scoundrel is a post from: The Twilight Fansite

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