Play, Watch, Repeat - Rob & Kristen Kissing on Breaking Dawn Brazil Set

Thu, 11/11/2010 - 19:15 | by twicrackaddicts

*Spoiler Alert* Do not play if you're keeping your BD Virginity!

Psssh, who you fooling? Press play already!

Surely this is destined to become "the kiss" video from Breaking Dawn - why haven't I seen gifs of this already?
Just so then I can watch over and over without so much clicking in the way ;)
Man, I need to go back and re-read Breaking Dawn *le sigh*
- Lorabell
P.s. Officially, I'm usually in the "I-dont-give-a-crapston" camp when it comes to these two but you can totally see the handsies touching in between takes - cuuuute!
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