Rob Pattinson To Attend An X Factor Live Show?

Wed, 02/09/2009 - 15:21 | by Twilight Treasury

My two favourite worlds appear to be colliding! According to digital spy, Rob has been officially invited to attend a live show of the X Factor later in the year -

"Robert Pattinson has been invited to attend an X Factor live show later this year.
The Twilight actor was reportedly approached by producers after they discovered that he is hooked on the ITV1 talent contest.
Writing on her official blog, show judge Dannii Minogue explained: "I've just heard that Twilight star Robert Pattinson is a HUGE X Factor fan.
"I know the British-born actor now spends most of his time in America but my X Factor crew would love to meet him - so he has officially been invited by the gang to one of the live shows!"
Meanwhile, sources close to the 23-year-old star told The Mirror that he is likely to accept the offer, claiming that he watches the programme from the States and would "love" to meet the judges."
I'm heading over to put my name on the list for tickets right about now! :)

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