Robert confirms start of filming of ‘Breaking Dawn’

Sat, 07/11/2009 - 15:07 | by

Robert did an interview with and confirmed the filming of ‘Breaking Dawn’;

Answering the last question of the day, Rob shared his shooting schedule for 2010 – including, at least for now, filming the novel adaptation Bel Ami, the western Unbound Captives, and yes, Breaking Dawn.

“I think the tentative time for Breaking Dawn is fall of next year,” Pattinson said, adding that Summit “may well change that.”

“Depending on how things go I’m doing a movie called Bel Ami in February, which is an adaptation of a Guy de Maupassant novel,” he continued. “And I’m doing, I hope, a Western with Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman called Unbound Captives sometime around there as well.

He described his role in Unbound Captives, which coincidentally will bring Pattinson in close contact again with Native American culture – not Quileute, but Comanche. “I’m playing a kid who is kidnapped by Comanches when he was four years old, and he is brought up by them. His mother spends her entire life trying to find me and my sister. When she finds us, we can’t remember who she is and can’t remember anything about the Western culture she grew up in. I speak Comanche the whole movie. You can’t really speak more differently from Edward.”

Of course, Breaking Dawn remains officially unconfirmed by Summit. Even screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg was mum on the subject when we spoke with her earlier this month. The hesitation concerning Breaking Dawn may involve the mature nature of its plot points and the rumored possibility of dividing it into two separate films. But if Pattinson’s penciling Breaking Dawn into his schedule, then so are we.

Thanks, Fearnet!

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