Robert Pattinson Offered Record Deal By Simon Cowell?

Tue, 26/01/2010 - 17:59 | by Twilight Treasury

Now, The Sun is not the most reliable of newspapers over here in the UK, but it does tend to break some juicy stories that come true in the end... Here's one that I'm undecided about... Do we want Rob to be taken under Simon's wing? -

TWILIGHT fans are such an excitable bunch I'm wary of even letting this out the bag for fear of the hysteria it will unleash.
But here we go... ROBERT PATTINSON has been approached by SIMON COWELL to sign a major record deal.

The young actor has been told he can basically write his own cheque.

To make things even sweeter for Robert, other record companies have got wind of the offer and a bidding war has broken out.

Robert, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight films, is a keen musician who plays piano and guitar.

The star has even contributed songs to the Twilight soundtracks.

His pipes are pretty good too and record bosses reckon his singing voice could turn out to be a big money-spinner.

A source said: "Robert is reluctant to be turned into a pop star - and takes his music very seriously.

"He is a bit wary of signing up with Cowell who is, of course, associated with X Factor and pop."

Via The Sun

Do you think Rob should sign on the dotted line?

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