Robert Pattinson Speaks Out. Eventually.

Thu, 09/08/2012 - 02:48 | by twitarded

Ugh, the scandal. The cheating. There is so much flying back and forth on the interwebs -- the accusations, the tears, the rumors, the rabid unicorns -- but Robert Pattinson has been pretty mum.

Until now, apparently. On August 13th, according to Gawker, he'll be appearing on a talk show to discuss... stuff. And not just any talk show - JON FUCKING STEWART.

Now this? I'm not going to miss this for anything. Jon Stewart is an amazing and hysterical host. And I'll get to stare at Robert Pattinson's mouth while he talks.

Yanked from Gawker

Plus, I really want to hear what RPattz has to say about all this. Seriously, I suspect it would be a scandal in itself to miss this interview!

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