Robert Pattinson Videos To Keep You Warm On A Cold Winter Night

Sun, 14/02/2010 - 00:21 | by twitarded

OK so Jenny Jerkface had a whole post written about the Details pics and the outtakes and stuff and I RUINED IT. Literally. Like I sort of erased it. It was an accident!!! Here's what happened: if I am in a post draft and JJ is in there at the same time, when I save it or close out, it erases all of her changes (and vice versa). And then she had to head out to Brooklyn to see ML's band tonight, so she didn't have time to rewrite it. So we're screwed. FML. I suuuuuck!

To make up for it, please enjoy these videos!!

[Note: so I almost fucked JJ over - again!! - by posting this video before it occurred to me that it might be the very same video that she was already planning on using in HER post! And lo and behold, when I went back to check, it was! But no worries - I checked with her and she doesn't think we should wait before we ptmfs either - yay! I'm lucky she's suck a good sport, that's all I'm sayin'...]

You may have seen this already, but it's smokin' effing hot and I MUST have it here! I first saw it over at True Blood Twilight and had to go douse myself with cold water after I had watched it several [dozen] times. We'll have a LOT more to say about all of these pics - and RPatts' self-professed vagina allergies - but for now let's just bask in the moment...


Also watched this one at True Blood Twilight - it includes the Vogue pics that have been released thus far - thanks Honolulu Girl!!! You rock! I am not sure how much of this I can take (but I am going to find out - bring it on!) -

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