Robert: Undead sexy!

Fri, 06/11/2009 - 19:32 | by

There are no crystal decanters of blood for Robert Pattinson to sip from, or milky white virgin necks to nibble upon.

Pattinson’s treats, arrayed before him on a glass table shaped like a kneeling Greek goddess, aren’t your typical vampire fare: a bowl of potato chips, packages of green apple mint gum and a box of See’s chocolates imported from the U.S.

The world’s sexiest undead man eschews all the caloric temptations, apologizing as he nips off to another room for a few drags on a Camel Lights cigarette before commencing this interview.

“I’m sorry!” he says, pausing only to shake hands. “I’ll be right back!”

Read the whole article … here!

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