Say Hello To Isle Esme Honeymoon Suite!

Mon, 08/11/2010 - 15:42 | by twicrackaddicts

FoForks have discovered that this is the location for the Isle Esme honeymoon suite :D Reportedly...the original furniture of the house are being saved and protected and being replaced with furniture that fit the description of the book by Stephenie Meyer are being put in place. Besides furniture, there is already heavy equipment and three generators, two of them being at sea and one in the house at the Isle Esme location.

Everyone involved with the film production, foreign and Brazilian, were summoned to a meeting Saturday where they were informed that it will be forbidden to bring cameras or cell phones to the filming. If anyone brings a recording device or gives the press information they will be dismissed and the person may be prosecuted.

Since yesterday a boat from the port is already located to support the security of the site.

To transport the actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson they will use a helicopter to land on the nearby mansion, the pilot of motoring Xande Negrao, which is located 5 minutes by boat as reported earlier.- Lorabell
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