...it was just plain weird. The poster should have looked like this:
- Rob was intense, but I thought he kind of fell flat. There were moments where he shined but the rest of the time he looked overly botoxed and expressionless. That's probably in part due to the directing, but I thought he could have done "intense but withheld" better.
- The dialogue was just plain ridiculous. I consider myself a rather smart, educated girl, and I had a headache after five minutes. This wasn't a movie, it was performance art, the kind that is not meant to be understood after one viewing.
- The green screening outside the limo windows as it moved in the beginning of the movie was really bad. I think after that they switched to live action outside the limo, but it was really, 90s-movie bad.
- Wardrobe in general was lackluster. This might have been intentional, to point attention to the dialogue, but I like fashion and would have preferred a little more oomph.
- Overall, I'd give it two out of five stars. And those two are for a) Rob, b) in a suit.
What did you think, ladies?
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