Stephenie Meyer thanks Twilight fans for helping Haiti Recovery

Thu, 28/01/2010 - 01:32 | by

Twilight author Stephenie Meyer updated her website, thanking Twilight fans for their efforts in helping the recovery of Haiti. Several Twilight sites have organized donation drives and campaigns to donate money or things to their local Red Cross or  donation centers to aid in rebuilding Haiti.

- I’ve been very impressed with the world in general and the Twilight fansites in specific in the support and love everyone is giving Haiti. It’s amazing to see how Twilight fans have come together to help. You are wonderful people. At this point, I think it’s important for all of us to remember that the situation in Haiti is not going to be cured overnight, so… keep up the good work, and let’s all keep the Haitians in our thoughts and prayers.

We here at Twilight-Movie.Org still encourages Twilighters out there to still help in recovery of Haiti. You can either donate money or your old clothes/things to your local donation centers or the Red Cross/Red Crescent. To know more on how you can help, click on the link we have attached to our sidebar to be taken to the American Red Cross website.


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