The Chicago Sun Times were able to interview Tyson Houseman, Jodelle Ferland and BooBoo Stewart who play Quil, Bree and Seth in the third Twilight film, Eclipse. They talked about getting involved in the franchise as well reading the books, securing their roles and many more Here is an excerpt:
Q.Jodelle, tell us about Stephenie Meyer’s new book about your character, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner,coming out Saturday.
JODELLE:I had read the book before I started filming “Eclipse” so that I could understand Bree better and what she went through before she came to what she was inEclipse. … It’s her back story, so you’ll find out about her, but I can’t tell you much.
Q.Is it true you had to read it under really tight security?
JODELLE:I read it and there’s somebody watching me. It’s not that they don’t trust me, but they just want to, you know, take all the precautions they can. … After I read it, we were supposed to get rid of it, and we didn’t really know how to do that. [We] put it in a bucket. We threw a match in and we burnt it, and then we took a video and a picture and we sent it to Stephenie Meyer. It was so funny.
Q.You’re a new addition to the franchise. How did Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and the others actors welcome you?
JODELLE:It’s always the little things that count, like saying “hi” to me, or saying “Oh, come sit over here, you look lonely.” You know, all those little things that I really appreciated because it made me feel more welcome. … They’re all really nice people.
Q.What’s the fan pressure like for Robert, Kristen and Taylor?
TYSON:You get fan encounters of the craziest kind, but it’s still, they are what drives this whole series, and they are what makes “Twilight” what it is, so it’s really cool to have that at the same time.
Q.BooBoo, what happened when you were punched at a fan event in Vancouver?
BOOBOO: It was messed up. One, another kid on a dare decided to hit me. I wasn’t hurt but … he was held until the police came. Then I went back, and [continued] greeting the fans.
Q.What’s really cool about “Eclipse”?
TYSON:There’s going to be a lot more action. … There’s a very climactic fight scene. There’s an entire war at the end of the movie, and I think it’s going to be a lot more guy-friendly.
Q.So guys will want to come with their girlfriends?
TYSON:Definitely. … Another thing that’s really, really cool … you get a lot of really cool background stories, like with the Quileutes [the wolfpack's Native American tribe]. And with the other vampires, too, like, you get to learn about the history, about who they are.
Q.For “Eclipse,” Bryce Dallas Howard replaces Rachelle Lefevre as the vengeance-seeking vampire Victoria. What can you tell us about her?
TYSON:She does a great portrayal of the character. I accidentally walked into her on set one day, and it terrified me. I walked around the corner and there she was, and she was in full make-up and everything, and I got so scared. … She was really, really intense.”
To read the rest of the interview, click on the link above.
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