Twilight Fandom Gives Back

Sun, 15/11/2009 - 22:46 | by twilightersblog97

Alright, this was number seven in our little list for Monday. And this is one of the things that I woudl liek to elaborate on, and give you more information on. It's a great thing, and I'm glad that my addiction is in ANY way helping this. We all recall Peter Facinelli's many mentionings of "Alex's Lemonade Stand" right? And that's where the lemons come from on his Twitter profile? Well, this is just a call-out to Twilighters everywhere. So listen up you guys, and let's all do something great. Bloggers, share a link to the donation pages, and dedicate a post--or two--to this wonderful organization. Fan sites! Post your supoort on the main page, or send a PM to your members! Fan Fiction Writers, I know you're out there. Show your support in the authors notes, your story blogs, Live Journal pages, Story threads, anything! Get creative. Use that creativity you write fan fiction with to advertise this wonderful thing! Twitter! You Twitter-ers can follow in the footsteps of Peter Facinelli and add Alex's Lemonade Twibbon to your profile! You can donate to this organization here. You can also learn more about it here. And you can add the Twibbon here. Follow Twilight Fandom gives back here.

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