Twilight fans camp out for 'Eclipse' premiere

Thu, 24/06/2010 - 02:40 | by Eyes of Amber

As we all know fans have been camping out since the weekend to get in position for the 'Eclipse' premiere on Thursday. The Los Angeles Times has a great article on the 'Tent City';

'The third installment of the popular movie franchise about a young girl's romance with a handsome vampire is set to debut Thursday night at Nokia Theatre L.A. Live as part of the Los Angeles Film Festival sponsored by The Times. But by Tuesday morning, the space outside the theater had been transformed into a tent city of colorful nylon domes, portable lawn furniture and shade umbrellas belonging to roughly 500 fans prepared to wait 90 hours for a possible glimpse of Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and the rest of the "Twilight" cast.

"Bucket list; cross it off," said Chawla, 27, invoking the virtual roster of things to do before you die. She wore a Team Edward T-shirt to show her allegiance to Pattinson's character and perfectly applied eye makeup despite the fact that she had been living outside for two days. "I can go home, put it in my scrapbook, read it, and say, 'That was really cool.' "'

Read the rest of the article HERE.

And watch MTV video of the 'Tent city' below!

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