The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Premiere Information!

Tue, 23/08/2011 - 16:04 | by twicrackaddicts

The Twilight Saga Official Twitter finally gave us Breaking Dawn: Part 1's World Premiere information! They Tweeted the info with a picture of Edward and Bella in wedding rings on their honeymoon! Just incase the picture above is too small to read, here is what they said-

The #BreakingDawnPart1 World Premiere will be at the Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE on 11/14! Will you be there? Are any of y'all planning on going? If so, how early will you be going to camp out? Let us know!


P.S.I am so excited that it is actually time to start planning for the premiere! SQUEEE!

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