Twilighters for Haiti

Wed, 27/01/2010 - 04:12 | by peacelovetwilight

The lovely MsKathy is raising money for Haiti relief by reaching out to YOU, the wonderful and ever-giving Twilight fandom.

If you donate at least $5 to your choice of Haiti relief fund and send her proof of your donation by 1/24/10, you will receive "a compilation of varying length pieces, not necessarily lemony, not necessarily TwiFic" from a list of about a gazillion authors that you can check out here.

Guess how much has been raised by the Twilight fandom as of 1/26/10 at 9:00 p.m.?


Find out all the details on how you can contribute here.

Thanks so much! This is truly amazing how much you guys have helped out already. And weren't you planning on donating/have done so already anyway?

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