Uh Oh! UK Radio Station Makes Slashy Boo-boo

Wed, 14/03/2012 - 22:32 | by twitarded

I recently read an article about a radio station in the UK that inadvertently played nearly three minutes of a gay porn soundtrack over the airwaves. Now I'm thinking if this station was an alternative type station or one that was already considered controversial in format, it probably wouldn't have been that bad. They could've passed it off as a tasteless stunt. But it wasn't. This radio station played light jazz, standards and occasionally blues. I'm sure moaning and thrusting was not what these listeners expected when they tuned into their favorite radio station.

I hope that wasn't Kevin in the recording. Grandma might have a heart attack.
Of course my warped little mind could only think of my fanfiction-addicted friends...more specifically, my slash-fic-loving friends. You know who you are! As I listened to the sound bite (um, I had to... for research), I could only think of what good background it would make for all those boysecks-y fics out there. Imagine it's Edward and Jasper... Edward and Jacob (*gag, vomit*) or my dream boy-on-boy duo, Edward and Riley. It could be just about anyone!

Let's record this and hope one day it accidentally ends up on the radio!*
How long will it take someone to pair this with some hot photos and videos and make an award-winning video?

Take a listen and let your imagination run wild.... definitely NSFW!!

Who do you picture this sweaty twosome to be in your dirty Twi-slashy-fic mind?

*Photo from here.

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