Update On Breaking Dawn Hacker

Tue, 02/08/2011 - 21:37 | by twicrackaddicts

Ted Casablanca over at E Online has some pretty juicy details about the Breaking Dawn hacker. The last post on the hacking issue had comments pro-hacker and some against. Since Summit may be going after everyone...Are any of you worried?


Summit Entertainment
This torrid tale of vampire thievery is getting juicier
and juicier!

After the identity of the suspected Twilight leaker was
revealed, we checked in with some trusty sources très tight with Twilight and
Summit to see what the deal is.

And trust, the sitch is definitely more
intriguing than anything Stephenie Meyer could ever come up with:

RELATED: Summit Gives the Judicial Finger to Twilight Alleged Hacker!

.PlayBrad Pitt Getting Flirty With Assistant?PlayReal Housewives' Taylor
Armstrong SuedPlayTruth, Lies & Ted, July 29Turns out Summit knew of the
alleged hacker, Daiana Santia, and had tried to settle the issue peacefully with
her. But according to sources familiar with the tense situation, the accused
Breaking Dawn revealer isn't budging—at all.

Our trusty sources say that
instead of cooperating and working out a deal, Daiana is refusing to play ball,
even if doing so means lessening the legal woes she's facing.

And Summit
isn't backing down, either.

Maybe Daiana should have realized what she
was reportedly getting into way back when (as we have yet to hear her side of
the story, remember) and just hoarded those lusty honeymoon pics for herself.
Turns out it's way easy to find someone who's posting stuff on the Internet.

Got that, nasty commenters? You can only pick on Robert Pattinson and
Kristen Stewart so much before the po-po gets involved.

Further, Deep
Twi tells us that the peeps Summit hired to track her down found her faster than
you can snap your vampy fingers, and they're still digging around for more dirt.

Because Daiana wasn't the only one stealing secrets from Breaking Dawn.
And Summit plans to prosecute everyone.

Scared, Twi-hards? As you should

Cue the courtroom battles.

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