From Us to You. Happy Holidays

Fri, 25/12/2009 - 23:00 | by twitarded

Oh Hai, bitches.

We decided that we were going to do one great big "happy family" photo shoot to wish all of you the merriest of merry. As usual, it turned into a giant debacle but...

Thank you. All of you. We are amazed, shocked and waaaaaay beyond fucking pleased about everything that has happened this year. Seriously. We can't even begin to tell you how honored we are to be a part of this. I'd cry but it would totally ruin my mascara.

We figured you guys would enjoy the outtakes more than the actual finished product (which was lame and sucked and one of us may have been a little too drunk to continue) so hopefully this will make you snicker a little until we get a chance to chew the shit with y'all again.

So from us Twitarded bitches - we wish you and your loved ones the bestest, happiest festive season ever. Cheers, whore-flaps. We love you more than you may realize.

So, Mwah! Happy holidays,
Hugs and kisses,
and friends

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