The Vatican: New Moon is a Moral Vacuum

Fri, 20/11/2009 - 19:11 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Well, you know those negative reviews should come around soon enough. The Vatican has given their review of New Moon.
The Vatican has blasted New Moon, calling it "deviant" and a "moral vacuum".
The Twilight sequel, which hits cinemas this weekend, has been criticised by the governing body of the Roman Catholic Church for its supernatural references.
"This theme of vampires in Twilight combines a mixture of excesses that, as ever is aimed at young people and gives a heavy esoteric element," complained the Vatican's culture council leader, Monsignor Franco Perazzolo.
He added, "This film is nothing more than a moral vacuum with a deviant message and as such should be of concern."
The Vatican's stance comes as something of a surprise as they have softened their stance on certain blockbusters recently - approving the most recent Harry Potter film and calling the sequel to The Da Vinci Code "harmless entertainment".
On another note, Rotten Tomatoes has currently given New Moon a Rotten rating of 30%!!!
Bah humbug... we'll go watch it anyway and love it, right people? ;)
TwicrackviaYahoo UK

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