We'll Miss You While We're at BlogHer!!!

Fri, 06/08/2010 - 01:54 | by twitarded

So, I know we're kinda ditching poor Latchkey Wife with the blog this weekend and we DO feel badly that we won't be around this weekend to play with all you fucking awesome folks and are fully aware that we are going to be away from the blog to attend a blog conference. Trust me, the irony is not lost on us.

Anyway, like most things lately, this is sort of random but not really. When we first started this blog there were so many of you who felt so alone about your love of Twilight and then you came here and now we're this amazing weird family of snarky, witty chicks who aren't (mostly) ashamed of their love of all things Twilight. Including RPattz's peeper.

Because we're family, even in the online-sense, I do think about all of you often and I talk about how much you guys never cease to amaze me to all of my RL friends... which is how I got a hold of this video.

OPattz has always been more than a willing participant in our Twitarded shenanigans, even though he thinks we're absolutely insane but when he sent me a video he found on Reddit, I know (even though he didn't say it specifically) he was thinking of all of us.

It's sweet, it's well put together and it's just plain fucking beautiful.

Always remember, my lovely cunt-clots - you're never really alone. But it's okay if you are.

Note from STY: Big, HUGE, sloppy-kiss-covered thanks to everyone who has already donated so that we can stay at BlogHer both nights!! We're not in the clear for Saturday night yet, but we are getting there! If we DO raise enough to stay, we promise that this experience will make us better bloggers. Possibly drunker bloggers. And MUCH happier bloggers - good for you! - who will not have to take the last train out of the city along with a bunch of rabid sports nuts who are getting out of the Yankees/Red Sox game. And this means JJ won't have the opportunity to start fights with any of said fans, which is also a good thing. Protect your Twitards from harm! Plus, we'll be sharing a bed. And a bathroom. That alone should make for good, albeit potentially harrowing, stories. Jenny keeps muttering something about her "special" nightie and crotchless panties. I for one have not had time to go shopping for jammies and I don't normally wear them, so despite her incessant anti-birthday-suit protests, someone might be spooning with me in the buff this weekend (the lady doth protest too much, methinks).

If you can spare a couple of bucks, please clicky on the link you'll find below (once you scroll past Rob's pretty--but sad--face).


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