Wendell Pierce In Breaking Dawn...As J Jenks!

Thu, 31/03/2011 - 17:04 | by twicrackaddicts

You’re in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn later this year. What draws you to teen heartthrob vampire movies?

I never thought I’d get to the point where I’d be one of those actors who says, “I did this for my kids,” but I really did. I have some teenage nieces and a nephew, and they never get to see anything I do. “Yeah, you did The Wire, and I see you in Treme”; and, “Yeah, you guys won the Peabody, that’s nice and that’s cool.” When they found out I was in Twilight, oh my God. “Uncle Wendell’s in Twilight!”
What’s your role?I am actually a human. I’m not a werewolf; I’m not a vampire. I’m a human.

Okay, Twi-Loves... I had a blonde moment. It was previously posted that he HAS been confirmed as J. Jenks... Enjoy the interview!

Source-NY Mag
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