
Anna Kendrick In Tokyo

Anna Kendrick was belted and in blue this morning as she smiled for photographers at a press conference for Up in the Air in Tokyo. Her film is out on DVD in the states already, but it’s due to hit theaters in Japan on March 20. The last few months of award season were busy for Anna, and things haven’t slowed down for her or her costars since the Oscars. George Clooney headed right off to work on The Descendants in Hawaii, while Anna made a quick trip to Vancouver.

Stylish Even In Starbucks

Ashley Greene carries her cup of coffee high as she returns to her car after meeting up with her acting coach Bill Howey in Los Angeles on Friday afternoon (March 12).

Later on, the 23-year-old actress stopped off at Starbucks for a cup of Joe and to go over a new script.

Jackson Rathbone’s Next Project

Jackson Rathbone – AP Photo

Jackson Rathbone, who portrays “Jasper Hale” in TwilightThe Twilight Saga: New Moon, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, and whose film The Last Airbender releases this summer, has apparently signed up for his next project, Truckstop.

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