The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella by Stephenie Meyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When Stephenie announced that we were going to get a book about Bree, I was less than enthused. I now take every bit of that pessimistic attitude back.
First of all, this is a new book in the Twilight saga. Holding that in your hands is an incredible high. It's been almost two years since we've had that joy and may very well be the last time. You know, unless we end up with a completed version of that other book which shall not be named.
Secondly, it's so good to read something from Stephenie again. Something new that we haven't already read more times than we'd generally admit in mixed company. It's a chance to disappear into the world of Twilight anew, from a perspective we've never had before. That is absolutely amazing.
One of my original hesitations about this book was the fact that it was part of a story that we already knew. Could it possibly offer anything new and interesting enough to really be worth the effort of publishing it? Was it really going to be that much of an asset to those beautiful black books resting so happily on my shelf?
It was so much more than I ever could have imagined. And yes, there was new information in there. Things I'd never have dreamed of that change the way you see everything that happened on the day of the battle. There were thrills, surprises and moments that tugged at my heart.
In the introduction, Stephenie says that she hopes the reader ends up caring about Bree as much as she does. I became so invested in Bree and despite the face I knew how it was going to end for her, turned each page hoping by some miracle there could be another way.
There is so much more to the Twilight saga than the story of Bella and Edward. I know, that's a shocking statement. But what we have gotten to this point is all from Bella's point of view. We have only seen what she sees and only known what she knows. There was so much more going on outside of her sheltered existence and realizing that makes me thirst for more. I could be a very happy camper just learning the stories of all the other characters.
I cannot recommend this book enough and I have a lot more to say, but don't want to give anything away. I am so thrilled that Stephenie decided to publish this and I look forward to seeing how it all works into the movie! I can't wait to hear what everyone else thinks!
Don't forget that $1 from each book sold goes to the American Red Cross. You can pick it up on your next shopping trip or order it here --> The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella (Twilight Saga)
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