Are there any Edwards in your closet?

Fri, 11/09/2009 - 14:46 | by Eyes of Amber

The more Twilight fans I meet, the more surprised I am to discover how many of them are still in the fandom closet. It never occurred to me to actively try to hide my love of all things Twilight. Okay, if I’m being really honest, obsession is probably a much more accurate word. Maybe the way that I came to Twilight has something to do with that, but let’s save that story for another time.

I find it very interesting that some of the larger Twilightand Robert Pattinson related sites out there are run by closet fans. The lovely ladies behind Letters to Twilight and Letters to Rob do not use their real names and cover their eyes with Eclipse ribbons to protect their identities. Just today, JAG, the mastermind behind Random Acts of Rob wrote a post confessing, among other things, to using the self-checkout when purchasing Rob and Twilightmagazines. My inspiration for writing this was a post by Amcas on Why Not? Twilight, RPattz and Me titled Yes It’s True…I Am Still In The Twi-Closet.

I asked some twitter followers if they were still in the Twi-closet as well. While a couple of them said that everyone is aware of their Twi-love, most said that only close friends and family know. Many were particularly mortified at the idea of their coworkers discovering their blogs or secret twitter lives. Even those who are “out” seem to prefer the public persona of a casual fan. It’s only in the relative anonymity of the internet that they are comfortable being their true Twi-selves.

I think I probably fit into that last category. Sometimes I get a little fidgety or use the self-checkout when buying Twilight magazines, especially if I’m buying more than one. I was a little hesitant to ask the guy at the bookstore if they had any more copies of GQ. But on the other hand, I have my husband, the ultimate enabler. Not only does he buy these things for me without ever batting an eye, he gladly tells everyone who mentions the word Twilight that his wife runs a blog and they should check it out.

What I find so amazing about our hesitance to reveal our passion is that you never know when someone sitting right beside you could be hiding the same thing. Just last week at my sons’ soccer practice, I noticed someone reading a large black book and I just had to know. Guess what? It was Breaking Dawn and I think she said she was reading it for the fourth time. So of course, I told her all about my site. Would I have mentioned it if she wasn’t already sitting there holding one of the books? No, I wouldn’t have. So I definitely can understand those who “keep the crazy quiet” or only share with their closest confidants.

So now I want to hear from you. Is there an Edward action figure or Rob poster in your closet? Do your Twilight books reside under your bed? Would you blush like Bella if your family knew what your “internet research” really is? Or have you pushed the door open and stepped out. Are your books displayed prominently in your home? Does the phrase “Drives Like a Cullen” appear somewhere on your vehicle? What kind of Twilight fan are you?

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