Belated Eclipse DVD Review

Sat, 11/12/2010 - 23:30 | by Eyes of Amber

Well, I'd say it's official, the Twi-zealotry is finally winding down. If it took me about a week to watch the entire DVD so I could review it, things are definitely slowing down in the Twilight Universe (at least for me, I guess).

Anyhow... It's here! Now, the major disclaimer, Eclipse is probably my personal (put down those tomatoes, ladies, I'm entitled to an opinion, don't I?) least favorite of the 3 movies, but addition all the extras on the DVD did add to a more enjoyable and enlightening experience, I have to say. So, here's a rundown of my Eclipse DVD experience:
* I got the "usual" 2-disc special edition from Costco, no bells and whistles, not even a blue-ray. The cover is ok, Bella looks pretty, Jacob-foxy and Edward rather monumental (as in - like a statue, hehe). Now, let's get into the "special" part - the extra features on the discs.
* Major attraction for most of us, hard-core fans for this one was the promise of Robsten audio commentary and it certainly delivered. I was a tad surprised and even a little off-put when they first came on and jokingly admitted to being in totally different locations. But you know what? They were relaxed, very funny and fun to listen to. It felt a bit like eavesdropping on two buddies, chatting and giggling and flirting a little ;) The most serious part was hearing how K. describes "making of" special effects (while watching super-speed running of Cullens, Victoria and wolves) after seeing "behind the scenes" footage on DVD #2 (more on that later). Somehow, it seems Rob got to skip most of the physical training for this one. He did do some fighting, but very little running/jumping, lucky bastard.
Love-love-loved their easy, silly banter, I literally giggled with them the whole time. Rob sounds genuinely offended and jealous (albeit lightheartedly) for his character, and Kristen is constantly defending and explaining Bella's position.

Second commentary option, with Stephenie Meyer and Wyck Godfrey are way more serious, but still fun and entertaining. They talk more about little details in every scene, about music and screenplay. Tons of interesting tidbits of information there. S. is gushing about Billy Burke, who, I agree, stole every scene he's in. He provides most of comic relief in this movie as well.

All the wigs get ton of attention from all the commenters. Sounds like they (wigs) have a personality of their own, bad days, good days, fans and foes in every movie. Very cute. So, imho, both sets of commentary is wonderful and totally worth watching/listening to, it's a special treat for us, fans.

The rest of the DVD extras I was not all that impressed with.
* The "Making Of" was moderately interesting, with some insight on more technical side of the process (the sets built from scratch to mimic real locations from past movies, special effects and rigs, training, challenges and successes). I didn't get too many juicy details about the actors or the director's personal style of shooting like we did in Twilight or emotional motivations as in New Moon. But then again, I think the current director was chosen for his action-building skills, not his "soft side", and it shows in both movie and extras.
* Deleted and Extended Scenes - very few and far apart. Not at all generous with those this time. Most memorable for me probably the "girl talk" between Bella and Angela, although it's understandable why it didn't make into the movie, it was nice to see the "human" side of the story.
* Photo Gallery - SUCKED. Low res pictures that we all have seen before. I didn't get the whole point of having them there at all. If they're so afraid of them being "stolen" or whatnot, why bother adding them to the disc at all?
* Edward and Jacob FAST FORWARD, a neat feature for obsessive-compulsive rabid fans. You can drool selectively and uninterrupted, whichever team you happened to be on :)
* Two music videos I personally enjoyed very much. Being a huge fan of both Metric and Muse, an extra viewing of their respective video clips was a pleasure.
And... that's a wrap, people. I'd love to hear what you thought of your own personal DVD-viewing experience... Did you enjoy it? Did you have a party? How many times?..

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