Billy Burke talks 'Breaking Dawn'

Fri, 12/11/2010 - 04:19 | by Eyes of Amber

Billy Burke was interviewed on the Victoria's Secret fashion show red carpet and talked about his hopes for the 'Breaking Dawn' honeymoon scenes, check out the video from Popsugar below!
The always excellent Twilight Examineralso found some comments Billy made earlier in the week at at a VH1''Save the Music' event that may hint at a new scene in the movie!
"my character actually gets to find out some stuff in these next two installments. I’ve been oblivious to the entire situation . . . so Charlie learns some things and I can’t wait for that moment when Charlie sees a werewolf". In the book we only HEAR through Edward that Jacob phased in front of Charlie, the scene is not played out. This may be an exciting addition to the movie!

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