Breaking Dawn: Not Quite Wrapped Yet! Who's Still Filming Up in Vancouver...

Sun, 24/04/2011 - 01:55 | by twicrackaddicts

It appears that Rob and Kristen have both been wrapped on Breaking Dawn *tear*
Rob doesn't seem to have returned to Vancouver after his Water for Elephant promo in LA and NYC this past week, whereas Kristen has since been spotted heading home to LA after a couple of extra days filming...
However, many of the Breaking Dawn principle cast are still hard at work up in Canada:Peter tweet about still being on location (so I'm guessing Elizabeth is also likely filming)
Ashley and Jackson were spotted spending some time off together around Vancouver
Although something tells me Kellan may have stayed back in California after being spotted at Coachella this past weekend
And Nikki appears to be back in LA having attended the new sidekick launch
...Now we wait for reshoots :)
See more pics at Popsugar
- Lorabell
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