Breaking Dawn Part 1 DVD and BluRay deets released!

Sat, 26/11/2011 - 23:08 | by twicrackaddicts

Squeee for cover-art :D

According to MovieWeb Breaking Dawn Part 1 DVD and BluRay special features will include:

  • 6-part Documentary (viewable in both standard and PIP modes)
  • Bella & Edward's Personal Wedding Video
  • Becoming Jacob
  • Jump to...(character specific favorite scenes)
  • Audio Commentary with Bill Condon

Wahwah for no Rob and Kristen commentary - what the forks, didn't they appreciate the comic genius of the one for Eclipse?
Whoohot for the Wedding Video though - I hope includes a first dance and maybe that snippety scene of Bella catching sight of her reflection - I loved that bit in the book :)
Pre-order yours HERE
- Lorabell
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